Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The New "We the People", and the Church that is Evolving

A new era has dawned, however we the people choose to interpret these times. Powers are battling for greater and greater control of the everyday lives of the multitudes who have no clue how to defend against these intellectual terrorists who care only to rewire humanity into units of production. Through the education system, media influence, private and corporate financial investments, and the affect of lobbyists, this egregoire seeks only to bring about its goals, whatever they may be.

So, before this goes off the deep end (though that is certainly the next step), recall just how true the above statements are and, compare them with the mistakes that groups have made in reacting. That is the purpose of this note, to hopefully inspire even one new revolutionary who will not react with fear, or apathy, or even complacency, but rather, will take up this challenge and seek to reach those pinnacles of human development the enemy so terribly dislikes.

Why care, anyway? The answer is simple for me; for my children and humanity at large. Now, let us not assign evil intent to the seemingly wicked from the start. Firstly, motives come in an infinitely large variety, and so must be judged on their own, as unique designs of the mind from which they came (unless it is clearly obvious that a motive is implanted by one other than the holder; this is not too rare, and even the most reconstructed people hold some of these motives from parents, culture, etc.).

For our model I will present the Church. Humanity, that is, true humanity, is struggling, but continues to present saints, like Julian Assange, men who want the truth to be known. Isn't that an important aspect of the truth, that it be more visible, and available for assessment by the common people. Now is the day for another revolution, and bloodless I pray. A revolution of the mind, of the senses. We must vote with our feet, with our finances, with our hearts, and form common bonds, so as to work together toward a true goal.