Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Radical Miseducation

I had the pleasure of viewing this video this morning: Sadly, it was not up to par with what I would have enjoyed. The questions were infantile and simplistic, as it seems that the host cannot even begin to question the greater concerns of faith. Below is my simple response.

1) Miracles are almost always within the realm of the natural. And God is no respecter of persons.

2) Christ intended for His people to carry out His work. Simply asking for a raise is sin, unless that raise has as its goal helping the needy.

3) Theologically, none of these people were innocent; by birth, original sin, and by their acts of rebellion. These are portrayals of the second death.

4) Scripture is not opposed to science. In no way. In fact, it is man's duty to discover new things and seek to understand more of the natural world. Rarely are "scientific" inaccuracies found in Scripture proposed as literal events. For instance, the Genesis account does not claim to be literal. It is an illustrative example of what may have taken 5 minutes or 5 million years. It is extremely ignorant and arrogant to say that your theory is correct, no matter what.

5) In fact, God is not. Neither do all intelligent abhor slavery. That's simply fantasy. Slavery occurs in the Bible as a part of historical accuracy and fact. It was culturally and socially acceptable in that time.

6) The worst question yet. Never does Scripture claim that a man can be "good", but even Christ notes that He is not a "good" man (out of humility). There is no equation in the actual Bible that states good people will have good lives. In fact, the righteous are to expect a life of hardship and pain, especially if they are called to a great purpose.

7) Name one way they could have. Water to wine... consumption... nothing left. This is the realm of historical data, non-testable data, just like works of other ancients, such as Plato. All the miracles were events, that, mind you, happened and then were done with. All that is possible is a record.

8) Jesus never claimed He would appear to anyone, especially not any of us. However, many people today and throughout history have convincingly claimed to have had true encounters with Christ. This argument is infantile.

9) In the Old Testament, God forbade the Israelites to drink blood, for sake of breaking covenant. That, symbolically speaking, was the blood of the natural creation. Christ's blood, of the supernatural, is a symbol of breaking the covenant once shared with the world, a symbolic "evil' in Christianity. Not to mention, so much else, but you're assuming one perspective, called transubstantiation, which is only one theory of the Communion. Plus, it is not nice to simply judge Satanists as grotesque. Not very "tolerant" of you.

10) This is a huge issue, and reflects bad on the lack of faith in so many today. Christians who divorce are clearly not acting out their faith. Statistically, Christians who live devoutly by the historic faith have a less than 1% failure rate. When viewing stats, it becomes quite clear that the divorce rate follows the rate of contraception users. Generally, where contraception is high, so is divorce.

This is an amazingly ridiculous and childish video. It does not understand faith or belief and prides itself on asking questions that are prone to false answers and dead ends. Amazing how this can mislead.

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